Monday, July 26, 2010

7 Classic and practical performance evaluation tool

1, swot analysis:

strengths: strengths weaknesses: weaknesses opportunities: opportunities threats: threats

Meaning: to help you clearly grasp the overall situation in terms of resources of their own strengths and weaknesses, seize the opportunities offered by the environment, to prevent possible risks and threats to our success has great significance.

2, pdca circulation rules

plan: setting goals and plans do: task start, organize and implement check: the key points on the course and final examination results of action: correct the deviation of the results of standardized and set new goals, develop plans for the next round.

Meaning: each work is a pdca cycle, all need to plan, implement, test results, and further improvements, while into the next cycle, only the accumulated incremental improvements, it may be a qualitative leap before possible to achieve complete every task, improve their life.

3,5 w2h method

what: work to achieve the objectives of the content and why: the reasons for doing this work who: participate in the work of specific staff, and responsible person when: at what time, what period of time to work where: the location of the work place how: with what is the method how much: how much cost

Meaning: to do any work should 5w2h to think, which helps our thinking to order and prevent blindness. Our report also should 5w2h, can save the report to write reports and look at the time.

4, smart principle

s: specific concrete m: measurable measurable a: attainable up to the r: relevant related t: time based time

People in the task of setting goals or objectives, consider the goals and plans is not smart oriented. Only with smart technology is a good plan to be implemented, or they can guide the guarantee scheme a reality.

銆怱pecified: some further explanation of this principle so銆?br />
- S representative of the concrete (specific), refers to a specific performance appraisal work to hit the target, not general;

- M on behalf of measurable (measurable), means that performance indicators are quantitative or acts of, and verify the performance indicators of the data or information is available;

- A representative of achievable (attainable), means that performance indicators in the case of effort can be achieved to avoid the establishment of goals too high or too low;

- R representative of reality (realistic), means that performance indicators are real, can be shown and observation;

- T representative of a time-limited (time bound), focus on the completion of performance indicators specified period of time.

5, time management - important and urgent

Priority urgency = importance 脳

Course schedule should consider the priority of all things, we must learn to "play the piano."

Be forward-looking ability to work, take preventive measures, if the fire is always busy, it will enable us to always deal with the work being passive.

6, task decomposition銆?銆恮bs

wbs: task decomposition (work breakdown structure) how wbs decomposition: Target 鈫?mission 鈫?work 鈫?Activities

wbs decomposition principles:

Decomposition of the main goals will be progressively refined, the bottom of the task activities can be directly assigned to the individual to complete

In principle, each task can not be decomposed into sub-requirements until the

wbs decomposition method:

Top-down and bottom-to-one communication on the full group discussion of individual exchange

wbs decomposition criteria:

Decomposition of activities into a clear structure and logical integration of all major activities of the key factors that include temporary control point for all activities, milestones and define clear all

Learn the task decomposition, only the task decomposition thin enough, you can know what's what, you can work methodically, you can arrange your schedule co-ordination

7, 28 principles

Pareto's Law: "80% of the total results of the total consumed time by 20% formed." According to the matter of "importance" criteria for priority scheduling services is based on the "vital few and trivial many" the basis of the principle. For example:

80% of sales are from 20% of customers;

80% of the calls are from friends, 20%;

80% of the total output from 20% of the products;

80% of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of 20%;

This inspires us to work Good at Stressing the principal contradiction, good work from the complicated sense of it, the resources on the most important and most urgent matters.


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